Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trinidad Standoff

So one of the things that our friends warned us about prior to our moving to this little hamlet was the Trinidad Standoff.  Of course, he didn't call it that... that's just my name for it.

One will notice upon arriving here in Trinidad that things tend to slow down a little bit.  People drive slower.  People talk slower.  The lines at Safeway move at a casual pace because the checkers always ask about ones' cousin or brother or some such relative.

The Trinidad Standoff is a phenomena that takes some getting used to... if you ever get used to it.  It happens when two or more cars reach the stop sign at more-or-less the same time.  Even if someone was at the sign way before you get there, they may still wait and just let you go ahead.

This morning as the girls and I were driving up to the property, there were 2 cars ahead of me at the stop sign.  They did their obligatory, "You first," to be answered by, "No, you first."  They sorted it out and we all went on our way down the street.  But then the lead car stopped where there was no stop sign, to allow someone in oncoming traffic to turn left in front of him.

So even when you clearly have the right-of-way, politeness takes precedence over safety and traffic laws.  I guess a move like this would have been scary in California, but here in Trinidad, most drivers move so slowly that accidents don't happen all that often.  (Knock on wood.)

There have been a few times when I've become frustrated with the Trinidad Standoff.  I've come up to stop signs with 3 cars coming from various directions that are already stopped at the sign.  They do the "You first" thing and then no one moves!  NO ONE MOVES!  So I decide, "OK, if you won't go, I will."  And I pull out into the intersection because as my wonderful hubby has said, "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."  Someone has to make a decision and it may as well be me.

Maybe in a few more years I'll be a willing participant to the Trinidad Standoff.  But for now... I just don't have the time.