Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

So tonight is the 32nd anniversary of our first date.  For those who may not know the story, here it goes.

When I was 25 I worked the drive-up window at Lloyd's Bank in Camarillo.  Les was one of my customers.    I had been working there about a month when he pulled up in his white '54 Ford Panel truck.  He had this gorgeous doberman riding shotgun.  I always had dog treats at my window so I handed him a treat along with the receipt for his deposit.  I saw him hand the dog (Louie) the biscuit.  You know how dogs do this thing with their eyebrows?  Well, Louie did just that.  First one eyebrow went up, then when that one went down the other went up.  Then he stuck his head out of the window and literally spit out the biscuit.  Huh!

Les had a goofy, embarrassed grin on his face when he got out of his truck, went around and picked up the discarded treat.

A few days later, on New Year's Eve, he came into the bank.  I went over to talk to him and he invited me to the pub 2 doors down, meet him there.  I said OK.

When I got to the pub, I saw not only him, but some of his friends -- and his GIRLFRIEND!  He looked up and saw me and talk about deer in the headlights.  Later he said that he didn't think I'd come.  Ya, right.  I could see right away that he was "with" someone.  I had gone with my friend, Janice.  So we casually said hi on our way by and went to the other side of the room.

Even though this was really an awkward situation, we kept making googly eyes at each other across the crowded bar.  Later, as Janice and I were leaving, he followed me out.  We planned to meet up later that night at Janice and Kevin's house.  And he actually showed up.  ALONE!  We played pool with several of my friends and had a good time ringing in the New Year.

The rest is history.  I just adore this man.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So yesterday, my wonderful husband took out a yogurt cup before our morning walk.  As he ate it, he noticed that it didn't taste like his favorite flavor... vanilla.  It was lemon.  It was one of the store brands that didn't have the vanilla bean or the yellow lemon on the label, so he just grabbed what was in the vanilla vicinity and went on his way.

I told him that would teach him a lesson because he's too stubborn to wear his glasses.

Today, he came into my office with 1/2 of a bagel.  He said that it tasted horrible and would I like the remaining half.  Well... I guess it was nice of him to offer -- even though it was "horrible."  I looked at it and noticed that the cream cheese on it looked whiter than it should.  I took a tiny piece of "cream cheese," hoping that wasn't bad since I had just eaten a bagel an hour earlier.  When I tasted it, he was right... it was horrible.  Greasy, glassy and no taste at all.  Something wasn't right here.

I asked Les to show me what he used for cream cheese.  Right in the front of the top shelf was the cream cheese in a Tillamook container clearly labeled cream cheese.  Next to it was an oblong, clear plastic case of Crisco!  Sure enough, he spread Crisco on his bagel.

Serves him right for being too stubborn to wear his reading glasses.  My hubby...  Gotta love him!