Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I had the incredible pleasure of meeting DJ's fiance this last weekend.  Daniel called me early Thursday morning and asked if we wanted company.  Are you kidding?  I haven't seen him since October!  I enthusiastically said, "Yes!"

They hit the road from Roosevelt, Utah, later that morning.  Had a bit of car trouble around Vail.  Stayed in Denver that night and arrived Friday afternoon.  I didn't know who I wanted to hug first -- my first-born or his lovely girl.

Introductions were made and before you knew it, I felt as though I'd known her for years.  She is very sweet and kind.  She adores DJ.  And I saw expressions on his face that I've never seen before.  What a joy to see your child in love!  They are so happy together.

The wedding is scheduled for September 19, 2013. It's going to be in Utah, as her circle of friends and family is so much bigger than ours.

We had a great time over the weekend.  Cooking; eating; hiking; playing cards and just hanging out.

They left yesterday morning -- stopping in Pueblo to buy rings.

I jokingly mentioned to DJ that I should become an ordained minister so that I could marry them.  After thinking about it, maybe that wasn't a bad idea.  But after thinking about it more, I decided that if I'm in the audience, I can keep my tears hidden a little more than if I'm officiating.  So it's probably best that someone else do it.

The future looks bright for this young couple.  I couldn't be happier for them.