Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well... September 22, 2010 fell upon us with a cool, crisp grasp.  Nights are very cool, getting into the 50's and even once or twice the 40's.  Days are still on the warm side in the upper 70's and low 80's. 

The leaves are starting to turn.  We see patches of gold and orange on the mountainsides as the aspen trees get ready for their winter sleep.  What a beautiful sight!  Near the river the cottonwoods are still a deep green, but they'll be turning soon, too.

This will be our first cold winter in over 30 years!  While we both grew up near Chicago, we haven't been in the ice and snow for a whole winter in a very, very long time.  I'm not too concerned, though.  Our little brick house will probably be quite comfortable.  Of course, not as comfortable as our cozy strawbale home, but that will come... eventually.

Up to this point, I haven't closed the windows yet.  We like sleeping when it's cool outside.  I don't mind having the windows open at all.  I'm sure Les will let me know soon enough when it's time to close them.  Cool, fresh air!  I LOVE IT!

Les is looking forward to one more motorcycle ride up the road pictured above before winter.  Last year, it had already snowed by this time.  This year it's a little warmer.

I'll keep taking pictures and posting them as fall matures. 

More later...

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