Thursday, October 28, 2010


So for all intents and purposes, this blog was supposed to be about the building of our new straw bale home.  However as I've written before, the current U.S. economy brought that dream to a screeching halt and added a few more years onto an already anguished wait.

Yesterday I took the "kids" up to the property.  It is, after all, only about 4 miles from this very spot.  But sometimes it seems to hard to make the time.  Yesterday, though, I made it a point to make the time.  Especially since we had such a fierce wind-storm earlier in the week, I wanted to make sure everything was OK up on the property.

There was a fresh blanket of white laying on the mountain range to our west.  The Spanish Peaks had snow above the tree line.  The brilliant white was a vivid contrast to the electric blue of the sky. 

The dogs and I walked our building site and then up the driveway to a spot that has a majestic view.  I could hear the breeze through the trees and the calls of the birds.  Occasionally a jet would fly by way, way overhead. 

And then it hit me.

While I've been selfishly lamenting the delay of our house, my wonderful husband has been working hard to make what we already have into a home.  He has spent many back-breaking hours clearing the circle in the driveway.  He's dragged probably tons of rocks to make steps and paths throughout our land.  He's made rock walls, sitting areas and drainage canals.  He's even set our yard decorations artfully and playfully about.  All these things make a space a home. 

I love him so much and I'm so blessed that he loves me, too.

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