Thursday, June 9, 2011


 If you look very closely at these pictures, you will see a wild turkey right about in the middle of them.  We've been hearing turkeys quite a lot up on our mountain top lately.  I've seen their evidence that they leave behind and I hear them gobbling to each other.  We saw one on the road the other day.

But Tuesday as we were getting ready to go on our hike I saw something moving in the trees.  Sure enough, there were 6 or 7 wild turkeys walking down one of our meditation trails.  I guess turkeys need to meditate sometimes, too.

Soon, Mindy saw them too.  She was on her way over to politely introduce herself, but they rudely flew away.  I was amazed at how huge they are!

Also, I knew that wild turkeys roost in the trees so I know that they can fly... sort of.  But as they decided to turn their big feathered backs on poor, sweet, little Mindy, they took flight.  I mean they really flew.  It wasn't anything like a regular bird, but for their massive size I never thought they could gain the altitude or distance those fowl flew.  Their wingspan was enormous.

So, now we know.  Turkeys like to meditate.  Aren't much for socializing with our sweet little pooch.  And in a pinch -- can fly like a bird.

Who knew?

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