Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Outhouse

So what does one do when nature calls on a mountain top with no water?  Well, duck behind a tree, of course!

Then what does one do when they want to entertain on a mountain top with no water?   Mmmmm -- not so easy is it?  But the simple answer is -- build an outhouse.

Our friends Ken and Angela have an outhouse behind their home.  It was used while they were building their home and before they had their cisterns and plumbing.  Since our gorgeous strawbale home won't be built for another couple of years the outhouse seems like a perfect solution.

Les took some pictures of Ken and Angela's throne and copied the design.  A trip to Lowe's and couple of weeks later -- voila!  Our very own outhouse!

Of course, we will have some modern conveniences like TP in a bin along with handy wipes.  We don't want to go too far overboard with this natural thing, you know!

 The point of having a 3-sided outhouse is so that it won't stink.  The open side has a marvelous view of the mountains to our west.  With no neighbors in sight we can sit and ponder and gaze upon God's creations.  Truly, answering a call-of-nature while in the open air of nature is -- well -- natural.  And it's something I don't mind a bit.

Les is just so marvelous about working on whatever projects need to be worked on.  Now that he's finished the outhouse, he's been cleaning up some of the trees that were knocked over when the bulldozers came through to build our road and building sites.  What a great guy!

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