Tuesday, June 4, 2013


At long last!  I finally have something to write about on building our home.

We went to the County today to get our building permits.  Les has been anxious to get the house started.  He's been talking to some people who will be able to help us.  We want to put the foundation in this year, then the framing, roof, walls, stucco, etc. next year.  We may even have it roughed in enough to live in the winter after next.  It's going to take a while to finish it.  I get that.  I just want so badly to actually live up there.

So, permits are in hand.  These probably would have cost over $10,000 in California.  Here in little Las Animas County, they were a mere $1700.  And that means we can finally get an address, too.  I'm just so excited.  Whenever people asked what our address was, we had to explain that we don't have one, but just follow Compton Ridge Drive all the way up to the top.  Now, we get an address, too.  I'm giddy.

The day after tomorrow Les and I will be leaving to go to Utah.  We are visiting DJ and Savannah.  Savannah has been working in the oil fields again for the last 6 weeks or so.  She had been laid off for about 3 months, but now she's happy to be back at work.  And DJ has cut back on his hours.  He was working 120 hours per week, but then figured out that if he only works 60-70 hours per week, his net paycheck is the same.  So he's happy to be only working from 5:00 am to 4 or 5:00pm 6 days a week rather than from 5:00 am to 12 midnight 6 days a week.  That must have really been horrible.  Poor boy was tired all of the time.

Well, I'm just thrilled as can be about those building permits.  As we move on down the road, I will be posting more enthusiastically.  Can't wait!!
Les and Mindy next to Les's warning sign.

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