Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just a Blur

Mindy girl is about 8 months old now.  We knew that a blue heeler/border collie mix would be a very active pup.  I just don't think we were aware of how much.

 She and Schultz get along really well together now.  He even allows her to step over him as he sprawls out in the hallway.  Until she got the nerve, she would whine and bark imploring him to move so that she could get by.  Sometimes he'd oblige -- usually he wouldn't.

 Now she playfully hops over him and sometimes even gives him a little nip on her way by.

Taking pictures of her is a real challenge.  I try to have my camera with me whenever we go up to the mountain.  But try as I might, I have yet to get a really good picture of her because she's moving all the time.  I either get her head as a big blur or just the back end of her as she's leaving the frame.

 Schultz is easy to photograph.  He stands there... he does what he's told... he's nice and mellow now.

Mindy... that's another story entirely.

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