Friday, December 24, 2010

Crystalline Magic

This morning was breath-taking.

We awoke to a foggy, cold morning here in Trinidad, Colorado.  I let Les sleep in a little longer as  he didn't sleep well the night before.  And as we were preparing for our usual walk with the dogs, I told him that I'd rather go up to the property to walk.  When we go up there, we don't have to worry about one of the dogs choosing to poop right in the middle of the street as we cross.  (Don't laugh... it happens quite often!)  There's nothing worse than holding on to a young dog who hates the leash while trying to open a little plastic bag to pick up poop.  And doing that while you're watching for cars, or.. worse still, having a car wait for you as you scrape poop from the middle of the street is just awful.

That, and Mindy gets to run to her heart's content.  She loves to run!  Schultz has a blast up there, too.  They play and play.

But back to our gorgeous morning... while it was foggy here in town this morning, it was really foggy up the mountain.  And an amazing thing was happening up there.  On the east side of everything was a blanket of crystal.  It wasn't exactly snow and it wasn't exactly ice.  It was just crystal and it was exquisite!  It was on the trees, on the scrub oak, on every blade of grass and every dried flower.

 This is what they call here a "freezing fog."  And it was beautiful.

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