Monday, August 15, 2011


"You got some 'splainin' to do!"

Lucy, so far, has been a joy to have around.  She is so mellow.  She could just sit and stare at you and have you pet her all day.

I don't know much about her "pre-Byington" life, but I do know that she was rescued from the freeway.  It seems that some wonderful woman saw her in the median on Interstate 25 just north of here.  It was by the rest stop, so I don't know if someone dumped her there or if she got lost there.  But a very kind and good woman stopped and called her and she jumped right into her car.

The woman brought her to our vet and asked if he could keep her.  He told her to take her to the shelter here in town.  She had been at the shelter over 2 weeks when I came along and fell in love with her.  When I took her into our vet to get her rabies and rattlesnake vaccine, he recognized her from before and told me what he knew of her story.  He also said that she was really sick and having trouble breathing.  But he took care of that once she was checked into the shelter.

I can only imagine what her life was like before.  But it's just guessing.  She's a little shy and she has peed in the house a few times so I'm guessing that she was an outside dog before.  She probably didn't have much indoor loving by her people.  She didn't know sit or come or any other commands, but she's learning all of that now.  She sometimes gets up on the coffee table and is learning that is unacceptable for a 50 pound dog... or any dog for that matter!  She gets up on our bed and while I want to tell her to get off, she just cutes me up there.  So I let that one go.

She has accepted all of us as her pack now.  She stays close, for the most part.  We're having a little trouble keeping her inside the fence in the front yard.  Of course, Mindy would get out of the fence too, but that was when we first got her and she has since learned that she needs to stay in the yard.  I'm sure Lucy will learn that, too.

When we go up to the property, they both play and play.  Les told me that last Thursday we had a downpour  (I missed it -- was with a client in New Mexico all day) and the dogs just played and romped in the mud.  They'd dive face first into mud puddles.  They'd run at a full run and scoop up water from the puddles.

Mindy and Lucy, Made for each other.
Having a great time!
Mindy likes to sleep on her back in the hall.
Such a pretty girl!

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