Thursday, December 15, 2011


So remember when I was bragging about how sure-footed our new Subaru Outback is?

The weekend before last it snowed all weekend long.  We took the dogs up the dirt road to our property every day, though.  They needed to run and we needed the exercise.  Monday morning as it was still snowing, we drove up as usual.  The road had been freshly plowed but still had a thick layer of snow and ice on it.  Sure enough -- the road turned and we didn't.

As we were getting closer and closer to the edge I thought for sure that berm of plowed snow would stop us.  No way.  Then I thought for sure the rocks underneath from building the road would stop us.  They did -- kind of.  But as we ground to a halt, the excitement was only part of the way through when we started sliding sideways off the roadway and down the steep hillside.

I knew that the trees would stop us sooner or later.  But before they had a chance a big rock caught our left front wheel and stopped our sloppy decent.  I thought for sure we were going to roll over.  The dogs were yipping in fright -- my coffee splashed all over me -- Les was saying something unintelligible to me -- and the reason it was unintelligible was that a whole host of various and sundry words were going through my head.  Not sure if any escaped my lips, but I know they were there.

Les somehow dragged himself out of the car.  He told me to climb out of his door which would have been absolutely impossible as the car was at least at an 80 degree angle.  So he sloshed though knee high snow around the back of the car as I opened up my door and tumbled out.  For some reason I didn't have my gloves on so I was literally climbing through the snow with bare hands trying to get to Les's outstretched hand.  I finally made it and he pulled and pushed and got me back up on the roadway.

Then we let the girls out of the car.  They were standing on the side window in the back of the car.  Can you imagine?

A call for help brought our friend Mike to our rescue with a warm, upright car and a hot cup of coffee.  Then a call to AAA brought a tiny tow truck an hour and a-half later.  It really did seem like a very small tow truck.  The operator put hooks on the front and back of our brand new car and dragged it up the hill and back onto solid ground.

What an adventure!

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