Monday, December 26, 2011

Goofy Lucy

You know how everyone always tells you how smart their dog is?  I'm usually one of those people, too.  Schultz was amazing.  I could convey my thoughts to him in just a look or a few words.  And he could convey his thoughts to me in his body language or his eyes.  We knew... we had a connection.

Mindy is amazingly smart.  She will sit and watch TV.  She loves animal movies.  She's a little aloof -- doesn't cuddle much.  But her eyes are clear and bright and she can be taught anything.  Whether or not she'll do it is another story because she's very independent, but she will learn.

Then there's Lucy.

She was adopted just 4 months ago and we figured she was around 2 years old -- at the most.  She loves to play.  But I think she was one of those sad creatures that was left out in the yard on a chain prior to her Byington life.  That happens a lot here in Trinidad.

She'll stand on her back legs and just kind of paw the air in front of her.  I can just imagine the chain holding her there.  And then there's the sitting and staring.  Lucy is really good at that.  She will just sit and stare at you.  We wonder what's going on in that head sometimes.

She's a big cuddler.  She'll sleep in my lap in my chair.  She loves to be petted.  That's often what some of the staring is all about.  She could sit there and be petted all day long.  And I really love the 50 pounds of furry warmth in my lap on a cold winter's night.

She's just not the sharpest tool in the shed.  Goofy -- but very lovable.  She has learned many things since being in the house.  Sit, "Out of the Kitchen", Off, Wait, Stay, Shake... things like that.  (Not to mention that peeing and pooping in the house is absolutely unacceptable.)  But some of the things that Mindy is so easily taught, like "Touch", Lucy just give you that blank stare.  And then there was the other day when we met our new neighbors and they invited us into their house.  Lucy jumped up on their coffee table!  What the....!

But what's not to love?

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