Friday, February 17, 2012


Have you ever heard that term?  Hoarfrost?  My friends Luton and Carole told me about hoarfrost -- what I had referred to as a freezing fog.  Both terms are correct.

Last week we had a freezing fog -- a hoarfrost -- all day long.  It was an unusual, but very interesting and gorgeous day.  It was foggy all day.  And since the temperature never got out of the 20's, the moisture in the air froze on everything.  This put a beautiful layer of pure crystal white on everything. 

Driving up to our property that day, we were unable to see the tops of the hills right above us.  The fog was thick and slow moving.  A thick fog like that always reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode where the residents of a neighborhood suddenly found themselves surrounded by a thick, impenetrable fog. 

But our fog wasn't impenetrable.  It was just beautiful. 

And earlier this week was Valentine's Day.  I picked out some flowers at the market the other day when Les suggested that I buy some for Valentine's Day.  I love having roses in the house.  But then I thought that was pretty much it -- you know how couples who have been married a long time become complacent about things like this. 

While I worked that day here in my office, Les went out to do his thing.  He either putters around up at the property or visits with neighbors.  But he came home that day and handed me a Valentine's Day card.  My first thought was, "Oh No!  I didn't get one for you."  So he said, "That's OK.  I know you didn't have time to get me one.  So I bought one for you.  All you have to do is sign it." 

What a guy!  What a character!  And the card he picked out for me to give to him had the perfect sentiment in it.  One that I would have clearly picked out myself. 

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