Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well.... it's been an eventful July.

First, there was the Pre-Op Shindig.  That went off without a hitch.  We had probably 30 guests.  I prepared burgers in advance and marinated some chicken breast in some lemon pepper.  Then I grilled the burgers, some bratwurst and the chicken.  It didn't take too long and it sure was good.  I pretty much left everything else to everyone else.  The people around here bring the best stuff!

We had plenty of beer and wine, lots of soda and water bottles; and so much food.  Once everyone was done eating we sat around the fire pit and talked.  We didn't build a fire because there has been a fire ban in the whole state -- it's been so dry.  We had many, many comments about our 3 sided outhouse and the marvelous view it affords.  Good thing folks aren't shy around here.

We took the telescope out and that was a big hit.  We turned on our little LED lights Les strung through the trees... that brought ooh's and ah's.  A good time was had by all.

Les had his back surgery 2 days later.  They took out 2 discs and replaced them with these wire cage things.  Then they used screws and clips and fused 3 of the vertebrae in his lower back.  He was in the hospital for 3 days.  But they got him up walking the day after surgery.

I stayed in the Springs at a hotel.  It was nice that DJ was right there in town.

Les had a few really rough days when he got home... almost thought he should have stayed in the hospital.  But he is recovering more each day.  Getting stronger.  He's looking forward to another 2-1/2 weeks when he can take the brace off.   He's feeling so much better he'd like to ditch that now... but it's best to wait.

July is always a busy month for me.  This July was no exception.  End of the quarter payroll and sales tax returns keep me busy.  I have a few clients whom I only tend to quarterly.  So it's been busy.  Then with Les out of commission, I've had to pick up some of that slack, but now that he's feeling better he's taking over those chores again, so I'm thankful.

I've had to leave Brutus home for our walks.  What a bummer.  But he's been getting so comfortable that he's causing chaos on our drive to and from our property.  He barks at people and dogs walking along the street.  Our neighbor, Terry, has 2 big dogs that like to chase the car.  When it's just us and the girls, I can stop at the end of their driveway and we scold them and they don't chase us.  But when Brutus is there, he goes nuts.  He's been tearing up the interior of our Subaru.  As much as I love him... he's not my dog.  I've been projecting my loss of Schultz onto Brutus and that's not fair to him or to me.

So we must be content with hanging out in the yard now and then.  I feel very badly when I see him watch us leave in the mornings.  Maybe I'll still take him now and then.  But I just can't take him every day as we were.

One good thing that has come out of all of my attention toward Brutus is that Ben is paying more attention to him, too.  He actually took him to the vet the other day when he developed a big, angry hot spot.  I didn't say a word to him.  And he's making a new place for him to hang out during the days that has lots of shade from the trees.  I still think he does a terrible job being a dog-dad, but it's just ignorance.  And I think he's taking a little more interest now.  I'm really happy about that.

So... newsy blog today.  I've been wanting to write, but sometimes it's yet one more thing to do.  But I always feel better after I've written.

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