Friday, June 29, 2012


It's been pretty common knowledge that it's been hot enough around here to fry eggs on the sidewalk.  They stated on the morning news today that Colorado Springs has seen 5 - 100 degree days in its recorded history... until this week.  They've had 3 100+ degree days just this week.  I don't know what's been going on.  But it's been HOT.

Then there are the fires.  Some crazy is running around setting fires.  The worst one devoured 350 homes and killed at least one person in the Springs this week.  They're not used to fires like that.  This fire came right into town.  Over 36,000 people evacuated.  What a crying shame.  The area burned was just so pretty.

But nature finds a way to heal itself.

The other day Les and I were walking up our road.  Lucy, Mindy and Brutus were doing doggy stuff about 50 yards ahead of us.  Suddenly I look up and there's a deer standing between us and the dogs.  She looked at us, she looked at the dogs, said, "Oh, crap," and scampered back down the side of the hill.  Lucy... ever the huntress... saw the deer and took off running after it.  We didn't see her for a few minutes, but then she returned quite winded.  She obviously didn't catch the deer, but she sure had fun trying.

With the heat, we decided to try shaving the girls.  Mindy is like me... the cooler the better.  Lucy doesn't seem to mind what the temperature is.  As long as she has food and someone to scratch her ears, she's content.

Mindy ready to take a bite out of an unsuspecting ear.
Mindy after her haircut.
I knew Mindy would look different because her undercoat is so light.  But take a look at the before and after pictures!  She turned white!  That whole afternoon she pouted... like she had been violated.  But I do think she's more comfortable now, though.

Tomorrow night we're hosting a "Pre-Op Shindig," for our friends.  It started out being just a couple of friends, then we just kept inviting more and more.  So it should be fun.  We have so many more good friends here than we ever did in California.  I'm not sure why that is, but I'm not complaining.  The people here are genuine.

Les's surgery is on Monday.  Please say a prayer that all will go well for him.

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