Sunday, October 28, 2012


First snowfall 2012
Les has been gone to California on business for about 2 weeks now.  Andy left for California on the 19th and is returning tomorrow.  I will be driving up to Colorado Springs tomorrow to get him at the airport.  And DJ is leaving for Utah on Wednesday.

People are traveling and moving all around me.  Me?  I've been sitting in my chair all weekend due to a sprained back.

I rented out our apartment again.  The mild-mannered-man-shorter-than-me moved out after only 3 months.  He lost his job and moved to Missouri.  He was a good tenant.  The rent was always on the 1st and he was so quiet we never knew he was there.  Now I rented it to a young mother and her 6 year old son.  She's a CPA so I'm expecting her to be right up front with her rent, too.  I told her that all I care about is that the rent is on time and that she is a good neighbor.  I think she will be.  She has a little dog whom I hope Mindy and Lucy don't eat.

It snowed the other night.  I came outside to find brilliant blue skies and a couple of inches of snow on the ground.  That's Trinidad for you.

North Lake
I've been voted onto the Board of Directors for the local animal shelter.  They want me to be the Treasurer once the term is up for the current Treasurer.  I don't mind.  I hate going out at night but it's only once a month.  Then last week we had a booth at the local "Taste of Trinidad" festival.  The booth was a fundraiser for the shelter.  I helped out in the morning, then cleaned the house in the afternoon.  We raised a whopping $118.  Whhoooo hooo!  Small town... what can I say?

Wolf Creek Pass

I'm so happy that winter is coming.  The summer heat was horrible.  We received no rain... even though the late summer is our wettest time of the year.  Nothing.  The trees are dying.  Today I saw a small buck in town.  He was so skinny it was pathetic.  I hope he makes it through the winter.

Our hotel in Durango
Les and I took an overnight trip a few weeks ago and drove to Durango.  We took the Cucharas Pass that was absolutely stunning with the golden aspens.  We spent the night in an historic hotel in downtown Durango.  Didn't have a very good night's sleep, but the hotel was charming.  Then we drove home via the Wolf Creek Pass... also stunning.  Oddly enough, on the crest of the pass we stopped at an overlook.  The view was spectacular.  And I saw some chipmunks running around so I went into the car to grab an apple and when I turned around -- WOW -- I ran into Tozi Rubin from Newbury Park.  She and her hubby moved to Colorado, but I sure didn't expect to see them there.  Small world.  It was fun catching up.

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