Thursday, November 8, 2012

DJ's Excellent Adventure

New Work Truck
Early Halloween morning, DJ checked out of Fort Carson for the last time and left for Utah.  While he's technically in the Reserves until May 2014, he's pretty much done with the Army.

He drove to Roosevelt Utah that day.  Checked himself into a motel and went exploring.  Two days later, he had found himself a nice little house to rent.  It's 3 bedrooms, living room, big dining room and a family room.  Pretty cool for a single guy living by himself.

Then, the exciting thing -- SHOPPING!  DJ just loves to shop.  I guess he gets that from dear old Mom.  Although I do a lot of looking, I just don't buy much.  DJ also likes to buy.  But with prodding and prompting from me, he didn't go too crazy and wound up buying a few used things, too.  He and Savannah went into Salt Lake City to Ikea to buy a few things to deck out his new house.

Front of the House
He started work yesterday.  MORE SHOPPING!  They gave him a brand new Dodge 2500 Ram with 30 miles on the odometer as his work truck.  They took him to the store to buy him a few thousand dollars worth of tools.  They're getting him some winter work boots, too.  I understand that the winters in that part of Utah are really harsh, so he's getting prepared.  California kid and all.

He's really excited to get on with this next part of his life.  He met up with a guy who got out of Fort Carson a few months ago and is also now working for Berry Petroleum.  So they have much in common.  This guy lives 2 doors down from him.

I know he will be really good for Berry Petroleum.  They are thrilled to have him.   Les and I are so happy for him.  And we're just so proud of him.
His personal diesel Ram just barely fits in the garage.

From the back yard



Front Room

Kitchen with his stuff

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