Monday, July 29, 2013


Lucy enjoying the cool sand pile.
It's been raining!  Hallelujah!  About every other day we get a significant storm that comes through and dumps rain on us for about 30 minutes.  The trees are breathing a sigh of relief.  Everything seems brighter. 

Les and Chuck took the forms off of the footers last week.  Yesterday Les and I went around our new house with some marking paint to mark off the room sizes.  Our bedroom is a very nice size.  Office, also very nice.  And after working for 3 years in a glorified hallway, I can't wait!  And an actual office chair... Oh Lord!  It's going to be great.  For now, all I can fit in my glorified hallway is one of our cheap birch dining set chairs.  No padding.  No kidding.

I've been looking at colors for the new house.  Something different, yet earthy.  Something that will blend into the surroundings.  You can't beat Mother Nature for color.

Not bad, huh?

Les and I did some target shooting yesterday.  Not bad, huh?

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