Tuesday, September 3, 2013

So Many Things


M'Les -- Goofy guy.

Chuck working on the cisterns.
I don't know where to start.  The slab was poured.  The holes have been dug for the cisterns and the septic. The tanks were delivered today.  The framer is going to start his work on the 16th this month.  Then he will complete the roof.  Should be done by the beginning of October.  Then it's time to stack bales!  We need to find a guy to do the stucco.  The guy who stucco'd this house did an absolutely horrible job, don't want to uses him again!  The windows and doors will be delivered on the 17th.

We found a guy on CraigsList to custom make a front door for us.  He uses the beetle kill pine.  It will be gorgeous!  We looked and looked for an arched door to fit Les's request on the house.  He has basically said, "You take care of everything else.  I just want to pick out the front door."  So there we go.  I will send pics when we get it.

We leave on Sunday for DJ's wedding.  I finally got the invitations last Thursday and got them out in the mail.  Nancy, I'm sorry but I have no idea what your current address is!  I know that not many people will be able to make it, but the invites are very cute, and I wanted you to get them anyway.  And if you can make it, the more the merrier!

The weekend before last was the "Garage Sale Twilight Zone."  We went way out of town for 3 different garage sales, and not one was taking place.  I have no idea what happened there.  I made sure I was looking at the right date in the paper.  We enjoy the out of town garage sales because they tend to have more unique items.  But that particular day was just a joy ride, I guess.

Then the animals - the bear visited our back yard again the night before last.  Then the girls were on alert the rest of the night.  We finally fell back to sleep, then about 5am a very loud, very low flock of geese flew overhead -honking and cackling enthusiastically.  Earlier last week I had parked at the bottom of our county road to see if the girls could find a puppy Les thought he saw the previous evening.  They explored quite a bit, then went into a large culvert.  I heard boards banging off the side of the culvert and a loud ruckus.  The girls started barking on the other side of the culvert so I crossed the road to see what was up.  Lucy had her front paws as high up a tree as she could reach.  Mindy was raking her feet in the grass under the tree.  And higher up the tree was a big, black bear.  They treed a bear!  They were so proud of themselves.

Momma doe nursing twins.
Our friend, Chuck, took this picture of the doe nursing her fawn - or is it fawns?  Count the front legs - there are twins!  Chuck saw the other fawn after he passed.

That is the week in review.  It's been busy!

See Mindy at the bottom of this tree?  (You can barely see Lucy's tail)  See the black splotch above?  That's a bear.

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