Saturday, January 1, 2011

 BBBrrrrrr it's been cold!  Last night, as Les was coming in from a New Year's Eve party, it was 1 degree.  

We went to our good friends' house -- Ken and Angela.  The whole gang was there and so was lots of food and drink.  We both went to the party, but I hitched a ride with another friend who had to run into town to get a friend from the train station.  I left shortly before 9:00.  Yes, I know... what a fuddy-duddy.  As much as I love hanging around with friends -- laughing and talking, there's nothing like my own warm and cozy house.
 Les stayed to bring in the new year, though.  He had a lot of fun.

The night before last it snowed during the night.  There was only about 1-1/2 inches of snow, but it was so pretty.  We went up to the mountain and walked the dogs.  I was curious as to what animal tracks we'd see.  Oddly enough, there weren't a lot of tracks.  Just fox, deer and birds.

I was kind-of hoping I'd see bear tracks, but I guess they must be hibernating right now.

There are a lot of foxes up there.  We saw one as he bolted across the road in front of us today.  They are beautiful creatures.

 But the snow.  I didn't think it was possible, but with a fresh new blanket of snow, our mountain-top was even more picturesque and peaceful than usual.  Fresh snow somehow brings silence to the landscape.

As we hiked our property, Mindy harassed Schultz as usual.  The snow doesn't bother her one bit.  Schultz doesn't seem to mind either, but this morning at 2 degrees, he wasn't interested in much of anything except getting back into this cozy, warm house.
It's been a very mild winter so far.  Jacket weather, for sure.  But not much else going on.  It was nice to see the snow.

1 comment:

Jan-Rent said...

Happy New Year, Your Hill top looks beautiful. We had a Happy New Year. We bought an expensive bottle of champagne had steak got in the Hot tub, then got in by 8 PM Tom went to bed I stayed up until 9 PM reading my new Nook. A great time was had by all.
The New Year is starting off SLOW which isn't unusual but I can always hope. Let's pray for prosperity for all. Love Janis