Saturday, April 23, 2011

I've decided to bring my laptop up to the mountain top.  After all, it was just sitting in a closet gathering dust.  My thoughts were, if I could bring the computer up here -- this is where I'm most inspired -- maybe I'll write more.

I come up here daily, bringing the dogs, walking, thinking.  I have a strong inner dialog going constantly.  Then when I get home it's emails to answer; dishes to be done; a certain little dog wanting to come in and then go out, and then back in, and then back out... you get the picture.

I'm very concerned about Schultz.  I've been at the vets' office 3 out of 5 days this week.  I get medication, then more medication.  I'm so thankful that this vet -- one of only 2 in town -- charges so little for his time and meds.  Talk about a guy who does things for the good of the animal and its human.

Schultz with Oso at Winchester Ranch.  Look at that smile!
I cooked some brown rice and boiled chicken for my Schultzie Boy.  That was his diet this week.  It looked like he was starting to get better so I bought some kibble formulated for a sensitive stomach and fed that to him last night, mixed with the last of the brown rice.

This morning.... OMG!  And there was blood in it.  My heart can't stand the thought of letting this beautiful boy go... but my head knows that it's the best thing for him.  And I know he'll be waiting by the Rainbow Bridge when it's my turn.

I'm giving it one last try... I found a guy who lives in Trinidad.  He's a dog trainer, but he also has an exceptional gift with animals in that he can understand them... individually.  Now I know some people may think that I'm a fool to believe such a thing, but I think those people just don't understand.  I would swear that during Schultz's lifetime, I have heard him say things to me.  Not often, and certainly not much, but I have heard it non-the-less.  Laugh if you want.

This man will come this week and do an acupressure session for Schultz.  If nothing else, I'm sure it will feel good to him.  This is by no means expected to be a cure. I just need to know that I've done everything within reason for him.

 Such a beautiful creature... inside and out.

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