Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Flowers springing up in the back yard.
Spring has opened her eyes from her winter's sleep here in Colorado.  Kind of...

The winter was very mild.  Not that much snow.  Cold, but not unbearable.  But the days are getting longer and warmer.  I've had the doors and windows open several days now.  I haven't had the furnace on in our little duplex for well over a month.

Then on Monday, we awoke to 4" of fresh snow.  Surprise!!!  But by Tuesday afternoon, it was 84 degrees.  Today it was a very cool morning, but a warm and comfortable afternoon.  The snow didn't stick around long at all.  It's like the seasons are battling.  Winter doesn't want to let go, but Spring is anxious to show off her flowers.  I'm content whoever wins.

Monday morning after the snow.
When we went up to the mountain on Monday, Mindy was beside herself.  She absolutely loves the snow.  She races around and then jumps face first into the snow.  She comes up with a face full of white, then races around again.  Ah, to be young.

Mindy with her face full of snow.
 My Honey left for California again on Saturday.  I won't see him again until early May.  Then he'll be home until October.  That works for me.  While I don't mind at all being by myself, he's still my best friend and my lover and I miss him.
My gargoyle... the best Mother's Day present ever!
Isn't this pretty?  

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