Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Is Coming!

On Wednesday I got up around 7:30.  Threw on my clothes and took the dogs outside.  WOW!  It was cold!  When I came back in I saw 27 degrees on the thermometer.  Later that day -- on toward the afternoon it was nearly 70 degrees.

I had forgotten what fall was all about in all the years I spent in California.

On Hwy 12 
 Here, the leaves are turning golden and orange.  Last week Les & I took a Sunday afternoon and drove west of Trinidad a little bit.  We took Highway 12, the Highway of Legends.  Last year my friend Joelle told me about a valley where the elk go to rut.  She said that she turned a corner where the valley opened up and it was filled shoulder-to-shoulder with elk.  Since I didn't see any in Estes Park, I wanted to see them here.

The drive was beautiful as always.  The leaves are turning.  The higher mountains have snow.  And even though it was a gorgeous, relaxing drive... still no elk.  We saw wild turkeys, several deer and a big black bear... but no elk.  I think I'll go back in a couple of days and maybe they'll be there.  It's only a few minutes west of here and the rut should be happening any time now!

Les is leaving for California bright and early tomorrow morning.  He'll be gone for about a month.  Andy is still here for now.  He feels as though his job will last until December.  Then he'll be laid off and will be looking for work again.  He's wondering where he'll wind up.  He needs to room with someone reliable -- the last house he shared with several people didn't work out very well.  People would steal from him... money, his winter jacket, things like that.  Then he gave one of his roommates money for the gas bill (which was in Andy's name) and they didn't pay the bill.  Now he has to come up with that money all over again.

So he's thought of Seattle.  There's a good music school there where he can learn recording and producing.  Or he might just go back to California.  I'm not very crazy about that idea since most of his friends in Newbury Park were not good for him.  I don't want him going back into that situation again.  But he needs to follow his dream.  And since he's almost 21 now, there's not much I can say.

21 -- how did that happen so quickly?

Curious Deer

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