Tuesday, November 1, 2011

More Weather

Last Tuesday our temperature went up to 79 degrees.  By Wednesday morning, it was snowing.  We got maybe 8" of snow that day.  Because the day before was so much warmer, only 3-4" inches "stuck."  But it was nice to see the snow again.

Last Wednesday the temps didn't get out of the 30's.  But every day since the days have been getting warmer and warmer.  Night time temps have still gone down to the 20's and 30's -- but today at 2:00 in the afternoon, my thermometer reads 81.4 degrees. 

And we're expecting snow again tomorrow.  I love this place!

Yesterday was Halloween.  As usual, Trinidad closed its downtown streets so that the kids can have a fun and safe place to trick-or-treat.  All of the merchants hand out candy.  My friend, Carol, owns the Eagle Totem Gallery on Main Street.  She and my friend, Joelle, passed out candy.  Carol dressed up as an owl and Joelle was a clown in a clown dress made out of men's ties.  They looked so cute!

Lucy has really been coming along really well.  She is coming out of her "pre-Byington" shell and her personality is beginning to shine.  I took her with me yesterday when I walked downtown to see all of the trick-or-treaters.  She was an angel.  People and dogs alike came up to her to say hello.  She had no problem with any of them... except the guy in a giant, blow-up sumo wrestler costume.  She didn't quite know what to think of that big, round person.
And today she did something really funny.  I think back to Schultz and the times I would give him a rawhide bone.  He'd take the rawhide bone out to the yard and he'd bury it.  Then, he'd wait until I got the carpets cleaned and he'd go out and dig it up.  By then, it was nice and soft and dirty and he'd plop down in my office or in the middle of the living room and he'd eat it.

I just gave each of the girls a rawhide bone this morning.  Mindy ate most of hers, and she buried a little bit of it outside.  But Lucy...  I was on the phone with a client and was wondering what she was doing under my desk.  Later I saw her rawhide bone -- "buried" under the wires and cables for all of my equipment.  How funny is that??

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