Friday, June 15, 2012


So I went over to Brutus's house to put him back on his chain after our walk the other day.  (Sniff.)  Ben was there in the yard and said that Brutus (Aries) waits for me by the tree where I come around for him.  He gets so excited because he loves his walks.  We take him probably 5 times per week.  He sure has fun.

Anyway, I asked Ben how his garden was doing and he said, "Oh, it's great!"  I asked him if I could see it and he showed it to me.  He said that he has tomatoes, onions, spinach, cilantro, chilies, and squash.  I looked -- I could see everything but the spinach and I could see this big patch of weeds in the middle.  I asked him where the spinach was and he pointed to the patch of weeds and said, "Right there.  Oh it's so good!"

I didn't have the heart to tell him.  And since he's obviously still standing, I guess they're not poisonous.

Oh well... what you can do?

Life has been rather stressful around here lately.  June has certainly sucked so far.  Les was out of commission for about 3 weeks after working on the road up in the canyon.  He was on his feet for 2 days straight while the grader went up and down the road, digging up rocks, then directing the gravel truck on where to dump the gravel.

He came home stiff from a motorcycle ride a week or so prior to that, then with the road work, it knocked him on his butt.  He couldn't stand, he couldn't sit, sleep, lay down -- poor guy.  He was miserable.  So we made an appointment with the spine center and went up to see them a couple of days ago.  He'll have back surgery as soon as we can get his paperwork in order.  He has recovered from this bout of sciatica, but since it comes back every 3-4 months, it's best to get it taken care of.

Then I was having problems and wound up in the ER a week ago Monday.  After a bunch of tests, I got the results and don't have cancer... huge relief.  But I will still need to have a hysterectomy.  Not sure when that will happen.  It depends on Les's back surgery.  I'm ever so slightly irritated that this couldn't have happened in my late 30's after I was done having kids, but again, what you can do?

That's a favorite saying of my friend Ruza Zivkov as she speaks to me in her thick Bosnian accent -- What you can do?

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