Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Today it was hot, hot, hot!  Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be just as hot, if not hotter.  It's really strange here how the heat creeps up on you.  As an example, one would think that as the sun gets higher in the sky that the heat feels hotter until the sun starts to get lower in the sky and then it starts to cool.  Not here.  At least, not in my humble opinion.

Here, the air stays cool until 2:30 or 3:00.  If you 're standing in the sun you really feel the heat, but if you're not in the direct sun there is still cool air... until 3:00 or so.  Then it starts to get warm and it doesn't cool off until 9 or 10 at night. 

Of course, I could be just blatantly wrong about the whole thing and should therefore not be believed anyway.  Oh well. 

I talked to a General Contractor today.  I called 2 yesterday, but so far only one has called back.  But that's still 50% and pretty darn good for Trinidad. 

I told him what we'd be needing from him... basically we need him to be a consultant for us.  We need to be GC ourselves but would love to have him available for the tough questions and also for the bank.  I have done my best to compile the bids for the house, but if we have him organize that and present it to the bank, I think we'd have a better time getting our loan.  At least that's what I'm hoping.

I'm meeting him tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it went.

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