Tuesday, January 25, 2011


So I started attending a Zumba class.  My friend, Joelle, invited me last Sunday (yes, during the second football game) and I really enjoyed it.  Joelle was not able to attend tonight's class, so I just went by my self.  I wasn't alone long since the class was packed.  But it is so much fun!  Now, you just have to picture me... Large Marge shaking her bootie.

Les's Firepit
This morning we took our usual drive up the mountain to hike on the property.  We had about a 1/2 foot of snow yesterday so it was undisturbed, pristine, sparkling magic.  And what a lot of tracks I saw!  No cougar today, just fox, coyote, rabbit and deer.

And finally, finally I saw some critters on our property.  They are so elusive!  But yesterday as the dogs and I walked onto the road from our driveway, three deer broke cover and bounced up the hill.  Schultz couldn't be bothered, but Mindy was busy chasing the wind.  Otherwise, she would have chased them, all the time saying, "Put 'em up!  Put 'em up!"

My honey left for California last Friday, so it's been really quiet... just me and the kids.  He expects to be gone 2-3 weeks.  I miss him.  But I get along OK.  I really don't mind being alone as long as it's for a little while.  I get to watch the shows that I want to watch.  I get to sleep in the middle of the bed.  (I get to take the garbage out and wash the dishes.)  Oh well...

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