Saturday, February 26, 2011


A kind and gentle man went to heaven today.  He will be deeply missed.  But hopefully we can take some solace in what I know is a fact... we will see him again.

Norm Jensen was 93 years old.  Cancer came upon him in his later years and wouldn't let go.  But 93 years is a very long time and he was ready to get to his next adventure.

He had such a great sense of humor.  I remember when he married Ilene, Les's mom.  Shortly before the ceremony Sonny, Wanda & Les -- along with their respective spouses -- got together to write Norm's vows.  I wish I had a copy of it, but it went something like this.  "I will love and honor my wife and will wait on her hand and foot... except for the time between 11:00 and 12:00 when she watches her soap opera.  During that time I will not talk to her or interrupt her in any way.  I will answer every request from my new wife with, "Yes Dear."  I will treat all of her children and their spouses as though they were kings and queens."  It went on and on like this for 1-1/2 pages.

He laughed and laughed... we all did.  What a great time that was.  And even through all of the cheers and giggles, I still cried at their wedding.

It was always a source of amusement to call him, "Uncle Dad," or "Uncle Grampa."  It's not often that your Uncle marries your Mother.  But that's what happened here.  (No, we're not from the bayou.)  Les's father was the sister of Norm's first wife, Helen.  After they both passed, Norm and Ilene got together.  And I think they were really good for each other.

You will be missed.  Farewell, Norm.  Til we meet again....

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