Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl

Super Bowl Sunday 2011 has come and gone.  Les is in California until later this week.  I was invited to our friends' house -- Steve and Carol.  But starting Saturday evening, it snowed.  And it snowed, and snowed.

We awoke to a fresh 1-1/2 feet of snow.  Talk about a beautiful sight, but "Wow."

Now both Les and I grew up in the Chicago area.  Of course, I left Lombard when I was only 14 to move to California with my parents.  So maybe I can't really say that I "grew up" in Chicago, but I spent some formative years there.  And from what I've seen so far of Trinidad Colorado, it can't hold a candle to the massive snow storms of Chicago.  But that's one of the reasons we chose this little town.  I love the seasons.  I don't mind cold and snow.  But Trinidad offers milder seasons than one finds in other areas of the country.  Of course, tell that to my aching back after shoveling snow yesterday!

Back to Super Bowl... after all of that snow I decided it would be best to stay put in our little house.  While I can jockey for position on the freeways of LA with the best of them, I do have limited driving time in the snow.

I admit that I watched a little bit of the big game.  I don't mind football.  It can keep my interest a little better when my own kid is playing.  But, like many women, I enjoy the commercials.

I saw part of the 1st quarter.  I had decided to work on a painting.  But that wasn't working very well so I decided to continue painting the kitchen.  That was kind of a let-down, too.  Feeling rather ho-hum, I turned on Netflix and watched Surface.  I love sci-fi.  This seemed reminiscent of Close Encounters.

Since I didn't watch the game much, I found this website: where all of the commercials are.  So this morning as I was eating my Blueberry Frosted Mini-Wheats, I watched commercials.

Such a full life I lead!  :)

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