Monday, February 28, 2011


What to write about the traffic in this little Colorado town?  (I'm smiling with amusement right now.)

On Sunday mornings as we leave our little house to go up to the mountain, Les gives off a little chuckle when we get to the end of our street where it meets Main Street.  Now Main Street is -- of course -- the main street.  And there is no one around.  Just a car parked way down the street.  Nothing is moving.  No one is honking or rushing anywhere.  There is no stress.  Just a peaceful, idyllic little old town.

The other day as we were heading up to the mountain, we fell in behind a pickup truck hauling water on a trailer.  (We will be hauling water, too.)  The driver went slowly up the gravel road and we were content to follow behind.  Then someone actually came from the other direction.  I told Les that I'll bet it will be 6 months before 3 vehicles meet up again on our road.

There are only I think 8 families that live in Prospect Canyon.  Some others come once in a while.  Others don't come at all.  There are only 21 properties in Prospect Canyon Ranches.  The road is about 4 miles long and we  live at the top.  So it's not that often you meet someone on the road.

In town, the intersections are not very busy.  After living in California for so long, you could actually feel it getting more and more crowded day-by-day.  Here, I like the slower pace.  Of course the summer will bring tourists.  And even though I spent last summer here, I was not yet "in-tune" with the heart-beat of Trinidad.  I'm interested to see how this year plays out.

 I love it here.

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