Saturday, March 19, 2011


We've been exploring our little piece of this gorgeous State of Colorado.  We've really come to enjoy hiking our property.  Mindy gets to frolic to her heart's content.  Schultz, always the trooper, follows us along wherever we go.

Les at the northwest corner of our land.

We have finally found 2 of the corners of our property.  We found the northwest corner last month.  During that hike Les found a beautiful rock with leaf fossils in it.  We have so much rock on our land, and many of these are of incredible colors and/or fossils or petrified wood.  But he wanted to pick out a special piece just for his sister-in-law, Rae.  He found just the right one on the hike to find the corner of our property.  Then he hauled this rock back up to the top -- then hauled it all the way to Texas.  Now that's impressive... what a guy!

Then just a few days ago we hiked to find the southwest corner of our land.  We successfully found it -- mostly because when we had the top part of the land surveyed a couple of years ago, I had the surveyor put a PVC pole on the 2 west corners.  But while on that hike we found a makeshift shelter that was made -- who knows how long ago. 

From what I understand, in the early 1900's Prospect Canyon belonged to a local family and wasn't divided into 35 acre parcels until the 1990's.  Prior to the 1900's I really don't know its story... other than the fact that Trinidad was settled in the 1850's and before that was open land and Indians used to live here.  So, who could have built that shelter, we don't know.

It looks like two natural columns of rocks, but someone blocked the back entrance with stones and then covered the top with flat rocks.  It definitely deserves more exploration.

So until then.....

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