Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mindy - 1 / Mary - 0

When Les goes out of town, Mindy decides it's time to misbehave more than usual.  She's a very feisty girl.

A few months ago, we took her to obedience classes.  We picked up a few tips here and there, but most of it was just common sense stuff.  She graduated.... woo-hoo.  But without constant reinforcement, the dog will just go back to whatever is easiest for her.  Sit -- she's got that down.  Shake -- no problem.  Lie down -- not so much.  Stay -- forget it.  Walk nicely on a leash.  -- HA!  And most importantly, Come -- Yeah, right!

When we say Mindy come -- she may glance at us.  But she will only come when she's good and ready.  Treat in hand or not, it doesn't really matter.  If she's interested in something, forget it.

The other day it was the neighbor's cat.  After calling her several times and muttering a few, "Damn dog"s I had to go and fetch her.  She happily took the hint and hopped into the car.  We went up to the property and walked as usual -- then went back home.

The second I opened the hatch to the Jeep she jumped out.  Immediately ran over to the neighbors house to play with a big, black German Shepherd.  "Mindy, come!"  My commands were completely futile.  So I went over to get her.  But she's very quick and if she doesn't want me to get her, I won't get her.  I finally enticed her with a frisbee and was able to grab her collar.

(Note to self:  Don't grab Mindy by the collar... she doesn't like it.)

She twisted and thrashed about violently.  Her teeth were snapping everywhere.  Her claws were flying.  I wasn't about to let go because I didn't want to chase her again, so I endured and essentially dragged her kicking and screaming the entire way.  The neighbors must have thought I was killing her.  She was screaming at the top of her poor little puppy lungs.

Finally we got to the door and she hopped into the house.  Safe and sound.  Me, on the other hand, I was cut and bleeding profusely.  She bit through a vein in my right wrist.  There was blood everywhere.  On the sidewalk -- on the door -- on the floor -- on the towels -- on the cabinets -- on Mindy.  None of it was her blood -- it was all mine.

Bad dog!

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