Monday, July 19, 2010

Electricity & Rocks

We now have our power pole on our building site.  We have the pedestal in.  The next part required was to run a line from the pedestal to where the house is going to be and also to the garage.

Since the house isn't even started yet, there wasn't a real need to run that line to the house at this time.  But -- thinking ahead -- we decided to go ahead and run that line now as our road (driveway) is being graded and graveled this week.  It would be a shame to have a nicely built road and then have to dig it up to run the power later. 

We had a backhoe scheduled for last Monday.  But it was broken so we had to wait.  Finally on Saturday, our electrician from Tom's Electric, picked up the machine and drove it up to our property.  He made somewhat short work of digging some trenches for the conduit.

Since he had to get the backhoe back by Monday morning, we met him for breakfast early Sunday and then went up to the property to finish the job.  An electrician working on a Sunday on a non-emergency job?   That's Trinidad for you.  Les had to chip away at a clump of concrete so that they could get the conduit against the garage.  Tom was working on the other end of the trench.  And I picked out rocks for a decorative wall. 

Tom and I figured out the orientation of our house (which I will have to change again slightly) so that we knew how far to run the conduit.  Once Les was finished jack-hammering away the concrete we were ready to place the conduit in the trench and cover it back up.  All I can say is, backhoes are marvelous things.

And as for the rocks, Les has been working hard at clearing the middle of our circle in the driveway.  And we have so many gorgeous rocks it would be a shame to not decorate with them.  While Tom maneuvered the front loader on the backhoe, Les & I were tossing rocks into it so that we could being them to where we want them.  Some of them were really big and this is very, VERY rocky ground.  I've heard more than once -- that's why they call them the Rocky Mountains.


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