Friday, July 30, 2010


Rocks, rocks and more rocks.  Yes, that's why they call them the Rocky Mountains. 

Our land is covered with rocks.  Big ones and small ones.  Round ones, but mostly flat ones.  And it was with these flat ones that Les was working one day last week.

I had been working in the office all day, but around 4:00 Les called and told me to come up when I was done working.  I thought that was a brilliant idea and quickly loaded Schultz up in the car and headed up to the mountain.

When the guys excavated the ditch for the electrical conduit to the house and to the shed, they came upon... you've got it!  Lots of rocks! 

So when I drove up to the mountain at Les's invitation... look what I found to greet me!  And there's my gargoyle on top of that rock wall.  (No, not Les!  The winged creature on the left is the gargoyle -- my best Mother's Day gift ever.) 

OOooohh, and look at that gravel!  That's some fine gravel, isn't it?  :)

I'll see if I can get a better picture next time I go up there.  I'll bring my actual camera rather than my cell phone.

More later...

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