Monday, July 26, 2010


Small town newspapers tell you things about small town life.  As an example, the headline from our local newspaper last week read, "Jaden's First Fish."  It had a very large picture of a very little girl and her father holding a very, very big fish. 

The paper also mentions when and where the Rotary Club meets and the status of Trinidad Lake and the Purgatory River that runs through the middle of the town.

One of the features I like the best is the historical reference.  The paper features an article pulled from its archives 100, 75 and 50 years ago.  They can do this because The Chronicle News has been in existence for 133 years!  The article posted in today's paper from 100 years ago refers to some barbers who got into a fist fight and caused a general "ruckus."

Don't you just love it?

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