Wednesday, August 4, 2010


While I haven't actually seen very many animals on our property, I know they're there.  They leave their footprints and the remains of "last night's dinner" around. 

On the 3 mile dirt road up to our land, I've seen quite a few deer.  Today, as Les was coming home, he saw a black bear crossing the road literally a few yards from our property line.  I wish I had seen him (her) too.  I know they're there, but actually seeing one is rare.

I've seen several other bear in various places near here.  I saw one on two different instances on the way into New Mexico... 15 miles from here.  DJ and I stopped and watched one hanging out in a meadow.  She knew we were there and we were so far away we weren't bothering her.

On the highway up to Pueblo and early in the morning, a huge bear crossed the highway just in front of me.  So I know they're here.  We just need to stay out of each-other's way.

I've seen many, many deer here.  They're not like the scrawny little deer from California.  These deer are big, well-muscled beautiful creatures.  Les & I took a drive into New Mexico on Saturday.  We took a road that isn't well-traveled and we passed a total of maybe 3 cars the whole time.  I saw a buck with a huge rack of antlers spring over a fence like a young child skipping to school.  Effortless, full of life, in his prime, not a care in the world and absolutely gorgeous.

I've also seen many deer along our little 3 mile dirt road.  We saw a large bobcat crossing the road.  I've seen a "Red Racer."  It's a snake that is bright pink.  I came around a corner and this 4 foot long snake was sunning himself on the gravel.  He raised his head to look at me, then he doubled himself over his body and disappeared in a flash.  They are quick!

We've heard the coyotes and have seen a fox.  There are elk in the area although I haven't seen any this year.  The wildlife is so abundant and is right at home in this wild place.

More later...

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