Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Yesterday, we adopted a perfect new addition to our family.  Mindy was adopted from the Noah's Ark Animal Shelter here in Trinidad.  What a fun, smart, gorgeous puppy she is.

When we first adopted Schultz from the Camarillo Animal Shelter, he was nearly 6 months old -- unruly, unhealthy and un-socialized.  It took a lot of work and doggie "boot camp" to make him into a better dog.  And while Schultz loves us both, he's pretty much a "Momma's boy."  I wanted a dog who could be "Daddy's girl."

We've been talking about getting another dog for a couple of years now.  Les was introduced to a blue heeler when we lived in the hovel for those 3 months.  Blue heelers are also known as Australian Cattle Dogs.  They're incredibly smart, have gorgeous coats and markings and are all-around good dogs.  He decided he wanted a blue heeler, but with the onset of cancer in Schultz, we wondered if now would be a good time or if we would be making a mistake.  We decided that it may just do Schultz a world of good to have a little buddy around. 

We looked in the paper and on the Internet for a blue heeler.  They're around, but I just felt that "buying" a dog was the absolute wrong thing to do when there are so many dogs in shelters that are just waiting for the right person to come along and rescue them.  These dogs need rescuing!  They need a forever home with a loving family.  They desperately need someone to love them.

So last Saturday, after the Farmer's Market, we drove over to the animal shelter.  I fell in love with a beautiful red merle australian shepherd.  We had previously seen her in the parking lot of the local Safeway.  She was matted and dirty -- but so sweet.  She put her chin in my hand so I could scratch it.  She looked up at me with soulful eyes.  Afterwards, someone brought her into the shelter where I was able to meet her again.

But this was not going to be my dog... this was Les's dog.  We walked along rows of cages of anxious dogs all saying, "Pick me!  Pick me!"  No one fit the bill -- until the second to the last cage.  In that cage there were 7 effervescent, wiggling puppies all straining to be the one who would be chosen.

They were all brown & black dogs who were obviously from the same litter.  The whole "pile-o-pups" was around 3 months old and all about the same size.   The staff at the shelter explained that they were all picked up separately around town... each in a different place.  Whoever had those dogs just dropped them off around town.  It makes me sick how people don't spay and neuter their dogs, then just discard them when they don't want them anymore.

Anyway, this pile of puppies were all from the same litter except one.  And she was a blue heeler mix.  The minute we laid eyes on her we both said, "There she is!"  Our best guess is that she's a blue heeler/border collie mix.  She's so cute, and is already learning to sit and to walk on a leash.  Very smart girl.  And she's Daddy's Girl. 

When she and Schultz met for the first time, it was like she had already read the book on puppy etiquette.  She is very well-socialized.  She offered him her belly to show that she respected him.  Her ears were back in consideration of his size and age.  In the past 24 hours, Schultz has straightened her out about a couple of things, but all-in-all, I really think he likes her. 

She had a really good first night.  And so far has not had any accidents in the house.  She's really getting off on the right foot.  I'm hoping that the bond between Les & Mindy is a really strong one. 

More later...

1 comment:

Sam B. said...

Be sure that Les doesn't bite Mindy, that would give her a wrong impression!