Sunday, August 8, 2010

Flash Flood

Friday evening, DJ came down from Fort Carson to visit for the weekend.  We met with some friends for dinner Friday night, then yesterday DJ & Les went up to the property.  I decided to go up and hang out with them so I loaded Schultz up in the Jeep and we drove up to the mountain.  It was a warm, bright and sunny day.

During the summer months, it tends to cloud up in the mid-afternoon pretty much every day.  Yesterday was no exception and when it clouded up shortly after my arrival yesterday, it did so with a vengeance!  

It absolutely poured!  There was lightning all around us and very loud thunder.  We didn't dare leave the safety of the garage and I went from window to window... door to door just watching the storm as it slowly progressed.  You know it's close when the thunder accompanies rather than follows the lightning.  Schultz didn't know what to do so he climbed up into the Polaris and we put a rug over his head.  He stayed like that for over an hour.  
Once the rain started to subside, I decided that I wanted to get back home so I loaded Schultz back into the Jeep and slowly made my way back down the mountain.  

I love the rain.  I really do.  I drove so slowly because everything is different in a rainstorm.  I just wanted to soak it all in.  :) HA!  I stopped to take pictures of the impromptu waterfalls and robust streams of water making its way down the mountain.  

Once I reached the county road that is at the entrance to our subdivision I saw that water was crossing the road.  A flash flood had carried so much water and debris that it left the culvert clogged with big trees and branches.  The water had no choice but to flow over the road rather than under it.  On the far side of the flood there were 2 pickup trucks.  A man had gotten out to pull the flotsam off of the road to make it passable.  The water wasn't too deep so we crossed safely.

The storm moved slowly off to the northeast like a great creature flashing its eyes and growling at the earth.  Within minutes, the clouds parted and the sun was shining again.  All was right with the world.  But today, Sunday, it's 2:00 and the clouds are gathering again.

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