Sunday, August 15, 2010

Schultz Being a Clown

The most hysterical thing happened the other night.  I was in a crappy mood all day, but I laughed so hard I cride.

You know those trash cans with the swinging lids?  You push one side in and the other swings out?  Schultz had one stuck on his head last night.

Ever since we moved into this house, he’s been scrounging for food.  I’m feeding him the same as I always have, and he’s even gained weight so he’s not being deprived.  I know the steroids made him really hungry and I'm thinking he might still have them in his system.  So Les & I go to bed last night and as soon as the lights are off Schultz goes scrounging in the trash cans.  He poked his head into this little plastic can we have and when he pulled his head out the lid came along with him. 

And the cutest thing about it was this.  My side of the bed is next to the windows in the bedroom.  Thunder comes from the windows so Schultz rarely goes over to my side of the bed.  Well last night I watch him as he walks nonchalantly into the bedroom.  He makes his way around the bed and I’m curious because he’s coming up to me on my side of the bed.  Then he stops right next to me and looks at me with these begging eyes so that I would take the thing off of his head.  I couldn’t stop laughing!

I told Les to grab my camera & by the time he did & turned the light on, Schultz had managed to get the lid off of his head.  I missed the shot of a lifetime!  Absolutely hysterical!

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