Thursday, August 26, 2010

More On Trinidad

We've been walking in the mornings. We have walked every morning for the past several years. I always say that if you want to get into a walking routine... get a dog. Today's walk was in the neighborhood behind our house. In this neighborhood, there are a few newer homes, but by far most of the homes are vintage. Many of them are turn of the century through the 1930's I would guess... with some being even older than that. It's really interesting to see these old homes -- many of which have been restored with loving hands and others have been left to the elements -- empty and forgotten.

Someone once pointed out to us the metal ring in front of his house. He explained that people had those rings to tie up the horses when they came to visit. Unique and fun things like that pique my interest. That's something you just don't see in Southern California.

Through the center of this lovely town runs the river. The original name of this river was, "El Rio dc las Animas Perdidas en Purgatorio," or The River of the Lost Souls in Purgatory. A somewhat depressing name if I ever heard one. Now it's just called the Purgatoire River.

On our walk today, we found a happy little stream that traveled in between the houses in our neighborhood. This stream came through from the south end of town as it tumbled on its way toward the Purgatoire River. I love the sound of water. It's just so peaceful and calming to me.

We continued our walk to the edge of town before turning back toward home. Schultz enjoyed the walk, but it may have been too much for him. He was very sore the rest of the day today. Mindy is still learning how to walk on the leash. She's doing fairly well, but has quite a lot of schooling ahead of her. She bounces around like the lively puppy she is.
She has learned much in the 8 days she's had with us. She sits on command --will offer her paw upon requests to shake. She knows her name and usually comes when she's called. However, sometimes a grasshopper or a blade of grass is just too enticing for her to pay attention to us. She's a very smart, very lively little girl. 

Last night Mindy was being too pushy and Schultz let her have it. A quick bite to her face left her with a scratch on her nose and a hole in her chin. After we cleaned up the blood and swabbed the wounds, she was a little more demure. She was a little too big for her britches yesterday, but today seemed more respectful. Leave it to big dog to teach little dog a thing or two.

She's going to be a great pet.

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