Monday, May 31, 2010

Keeping it Simple

One of my favorite sayings is, "Keep it simple." (That goes along with, "It is what it is.") Anyway, keeping it simple may have worked out for us today. I had to run up to Pueblo to pick up a mattress & box spring set I bought on Saturday. I thought this would be a good time with all of the Memorial Day sales this weekend. So, after my good friend Joelle & I emptied my little trailer out into the duplex, I drove the 80 mile trek up to Pueblo. That's the closest "big" town around here.

After the guys at the mattress store loaded up my new bed, I decided to go check out Lowe's. This is where the "keeping it simple" comes in. I sat down with 2 great people. One in the kitchen cabinet department and one in the window & door department. I had our house plans with me and they both took the measurements for their part of the house. After about an hour, I had a custom kitchen designed with hickory cabinetry and a gorgeous granite top including installation. I couldn't believe how inexpensive it was. I was expecting a bid easily twice that.

The window lady said she'd fax me the window & door bid tomorrow. We'll see what kind of pricing she comes up with. One piece of advice she gave me that I thought was good was, "Always stay with the same person for the particular part of the home you're working on." Of course, one caveat would be if that person was a complete flake, but other than that, it makes sense not to mix & match.

Going into this, I had thought of buying windows from Craigslist or something like that, but windows are just too important. Here we're going to have this gorgeous R60 house and have cheap windows?? Doesn't make sense. I know we're trying to do this on the cheap and everything, but we also have to be smart where we can.

So in keeping it simple, I went straight to the big box store instead of calling every Tom, Dick & Harry for a bid. And whatever price they give me for the windows... it is what it is.

That being said, tonight the stars are a wonder to behold. I saw a falling star the other night. A big, bright falling star. You can see so many stars it's like they're melding together. I think I understand why the Milky Way Galaxy was so named. I can watch the stars forever. I can't wait for my wonderful hubby to be here to watch the stars with me.

Schultz and I went on a longer walk today. Since his diagnosis I've been letting him lead me wherever and how far he wanted to go because I don't want to push him. I will just be his companion. But today he felt pretty good this morning so we walked quite a ways. The pain pills and the steroids seem to really be helping him. However this evening, I did see some wobbling in his back legs. My sweet boy. He's sleeping peacefully next to my bed.

Tomorrow's a big day. I'll be getting settled for sure into 444. It's a cute little place. Now, hopefully my mattress will fit!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Call for Bids

So last Monday I called 12-15 roofing, plumbing & electrical contractors to ask for an estimate on our home. Today is Thursday and I've heard back from 2. It's amazing that, in this economy, people don't call you back. There's a saying around here that I've heard from more than one person. "That's Trinidad for you."

I'm not sure if it's just Trinidad, or if possibly it's because a woman is asking. I try to educate myself as much as possible before I go into a conversation with some people so I don't look like a dunce. So Les is now handling most of the phone work & he sets up appointments and I meet the contractor.

I just met a wonderful man who will be putting our electrical "platform" in. What's a platform, you ask? It's where your electrical meter sits after the pole & before the building. This man is also a dog lover & said to Schultz, "I love you Baby." This is after I explained Schultz's condition, of course. This man gets extra points for being a dog lover.

The clouds today are absolutely majestic. Looking up to appreciate the sky brings an added dimension into play. You just don't usually see clouds like this in California. I'm so happy to be here.

Schultz is still with us. I had an appointment yesterday to let him go, but neither of us were ready. Maybe he can wait until Les comes. Schultz will let me know when it's time.

More later....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sad Day

A very sad day today. My wonderful dog, Schultz, has been diagnosed with cancer and it has already eaten away some of the bones in his spine. He's in pain. He's not himself.

I know what I have to do, but it will be very hard. He's been my companion for 10 years now. Sometimes I call him my shadow because he's always by my side no matter where I go. And he seems to know, just with a look, when I need him to do something.

But not today. Today he is lying on the floor in a cool, dark room. He knows what has to be done, too.

It was one of those things you hear about all the time with rescued dogs. Love at first sight. When I first laid eyes on him I knew. Puppy number 12 is what he was called at the Camarillo Animal Shelter. A lanky, sickly 5 month old puppy. And he has grown up to be a gorgeous German Shepherd with goofy, floppy ears.

We had an appointment with the vet this afternoon, but I can't do it yet. I can't let go yet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's nearly 10:00 at night. I'm sitting at my computer in front of a huge picture window. In the darkness of the night I can see a handful of lights twinkling in the little town of Trinidad. Beyond that, I see the flash of lightning that illuminates the clouds far away.

Trinidad sits at the base of the mountains and to its east lie the plains of Colorado. I think that God spent a little extra time when He made this place.

DJ drove down from Colorado Springs yesterday. We had a nice, relaxing time together. We had an adventure trying to light the BBQ in the tremendous winds that have been blowing the last 3 days. Once we finally got it lit & I started to put food on it to cook, the wind would blow out the flame again.

Around 8:00 we decided to run to town & get dinner there. The BBQ and/or the wind was obviously not cooperating! We met our friend, Jim, on the road & invited him to join us. Jim's a great guy... married to Joelle, another wonderful person. Jim & DJ have something in common as Jim is retired from the Army.

This morning DJ & I met Jim at a local restaurant. He & some friends get together for breakfast every Sunday after church. I saw some people that I've met over the years. They accepted me with open arms. I feel so welcome here.

After breakfast, DJ took me for a drive in his new Dodge diesel pickup. We drove Highway 12 -- also known as he "Highway of Legends." I'm not sure why they call it that, but it sure is beautiful! We stopped & had a nice lunch in Cuchara. Just a really nice, relaxing day.

DJ saw a gravel road off of the main road & decided to see where it went. He's a chip off the old block... I used to do that, too, when I was his age. Anyway, we passed groves & groves of Aspen trees that were just starting to leaf out from the cold of winter. Then, we saw a man coming out of the trees, dressed in camouflage & carrying a rifle. He did not look very pleased that we were there... in fact, he gave me the creeps. But DJ reasoned that he was probably just a hunter on the trail of something & we got in the way. No wonder he looked so grumpy.

Tomorrow I will be calling for more bids... probably the framing and the roof.

I've wondered about what to call this blog. Basically, I wanted to write about "Two Old Farts -- Married Forever & Building a House Together." What do you think of the title?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Antique Doors

A couple of days ago, someone I met mentioned that the county is having an auction on Saturday... today. I think I'd like to go see what's up. After living for so long in Southern California, I'd really like to see what a small town Colorado auction was like.

There were some really neat things there. Impounds from the sheriff's department; desks, chairs and tables from the courthouse; but the coolest thing of all were the doors. The county courthouse, built around 1912, is a grand building that houses many of the county government offices. The floors are made of marble. And after nearly 125 years of use, you can feel the wear on the steps as you ascend to the second floor. It makes you wonder how many feet have walked these floors and whose hands have touched the brass railing?

But back to the doors... there were about 30 doors that had been removed at one time or another from the courthouse. These were beautiful doors. Real wood, heavy, antique doors.

We got to the fairgrounds in time to see most of the desks already gone. Then came the chairs, the judge's table, the restraint chair (yikes!) and the filing cabinets. Then we were on to the doors.

The auctioneer was as authentic as they come. He was fun to listen to. I won first choice with my bid of $20 per door. I chose 4 doors for a total cost of $80. Then someone else bid on 2nd choice. I won the bid on another 2 doors for another $20. I walked out of there with 6 antique, historic, solid wooden doors for $100! They will need some elbow grease, but they will look lovely in our new strawbale home.

Friday, May 21, 2010


During my career as a QuickBooks Consultant, I've met all kinds of business people. And among these business people, I've met many contractors. Some are great... some not so much.

The contractors I've met here in relation to our building have... for the most part... been really great. I met 2 guys today who did some work on our "shed." (That's what people call out-buildings around here... a shed. Even though it's 1500 square feet, it's a shed.) These guys are really good to work with. Hopefully we'll be able to break ground soon if things go as well as they did today.

Of course, there was one contractor who, when I asked him how soon I can expect his proposal, said to me, "You'll get it when I get to it." MMMmmmm -- OK then... Next! I wonder if he would have pulled that on Les.

I'm back at my "office" again. Time to get to work.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20, 2010

Sometimes it's really hard to get any work done here. I keep my camera on the desk because you never know who may be coming by to visit. This gorgeous fox came to check out the bird seed. When the dogs started to bark he made haste back into the wild. By the time I grabbed my camera I had time for one picture & then he was gone.
Tomorrow I meet 2 contractors up on the property. I'm meeting a dirt guy & a concrete guy. We've worked with both of these people before & they are good people. I'm looking forward to getting started with this building.
I found out from the bank that I need to have all of our bids in place before they will send our application in for approval. Who knew? But this is really something we couldn't have started in California. I'm so glad I'm here to get this all started now.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DJ's Homecoming

DJ's Homecoming
After many emails & vague arrival dates, I was finally on my way toward Colorado Springs on Sunday. Our son, Daniel, has been deployed in Afghanistan for a year. Now his tour was over & he was on his way back to US soil. As I drove from our new home in Trinidad toward Colorado Springs, I was amazed at how relaxed I felt. I've been here one short week & I already feel some of the stress leaving me. I was so looking forward to DJ's arrival. Schultz went with me, of course.

We got to "The Springs" in the early afternoon & quickly checked into our hotel. I wanted to get to the base as soon as possible as I knew it may be a challenge to get on the base & find the place we were to meet.I arrived at the base in the mid-afternoon and waited in line as security searched all of the vehicles. I was really impressed at the obvious attention to the security and safety that was paid on behalf of the troops. But afterwards, I found my way to the building where the families waited for their loved ones. The building was electric with excitement... it's been a long year since these young men & women left. I met some very nice people and seemed to have a lot in common with a woman I met there. She, too, is building a house in this area. She, too, is a dog lover. You can't go wrong when you're a dog lover.

After some time, the soldiers were finally allowed into the building. The base General said some very passionate words -- especially having to do with the 36 soldiers who would not be coming home. Then he released them to go to their families. At first, I didn't see DJ & was searching for him. Then, I spotted him. I had my cell phone in my hand & was taking a video. It's funny to see the video shaking enthustiastically -- which was when I was waving for DJ. He finally saw me & walked toward me with a huge, wonderful smile. Once I had my arms around my son I felt a wave of emotion that I didn't know I was holding inside me. It was so good to have my baby back in my arms again and I wept with relief that he was here & he was safe.

That evening & the next day we spent together. We did nothing extraordinary or special... but it was so nice to be with him again. What a great kid he is.I headed back for "home" that evening. I saw storm clouds and a sparkling double rainbow. The clouds were amazing in their drama. There were a few flashes of lightening.I arrived in Trinidad to see snow on the roofs on most of the houses. There was snow, yet it was 55 degrees. Really weird! I wanted to get a good night's sleep because I was to meet 4 contractors the next day on the property. More about that later....

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010

I arrived in Trinidad on Wednesday afternoon. It was a long drive, but so worth it! Yesterday I set up my "office" in front of a large window that looks out over Fisher Peak. (I've uploaded a photo.) It's so pretty here. Right outside of the window is a hummingbird feeder -- and beyond that is a feeder on the ground for the other birds. The hummingbirds are so busy coming & going to the feeder. I have my camera with me always. But the hummingbirds are so busy that by the time I grab the camera & focus it, they're gone again.

This morning I took a walk with Schultz. It seemed to be about a mile. It's funny to walk a mile and still be on the same property. I found a really interesting stone that looked completely out of place. Not sure what it is.

Right now it looks like it's snowing up on the mountains. It's been cold here. I don't think it got out of the 40's today. I don't mind, though. I kind-of like the cooler weather. I like the seasons. I really missed that while in California.

I do miss Les, though. I talked to him a few times already today. Hopefully he'll be coming here soon.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 1 -- originally published 5/10/10

We left around 3:30 this morning. As I was heading away from the place I've lived for the past umpteen years, I saw the moon rising over the mountains in the east. Something made the moon appear much larger than usual. And it was the most perfect crescent moon I've ever seen. As I looked at it I realized that it was the last crescent moon before the new moon. It seemed to be in harmony with this new venture in our lives.

We drove 700 miles today. Schultz was an angel the entire trip so far. Tonight, after we checked into the hotel, we took a walk for about a mile. He's now asleep & dreaming on the floor. What a great dog.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Original Date May 9, 2010

This is it. My last night living here in California. It's been a really long 5 years, but the time has finally arrived. Tomorrow morning, early, Schultz & I will be hopping into my Jeep; we will hook up my little trailer; and hit the road. Les has been absolutely marvelous getting everything all packed and prepared for this trip. I hope to be in Flagstaff by tomorrow night. We'll see how far I get before I get too tired to go on. I didn't sleep well last night. Probably just the jitters. Of course, it could have been all of the wine, too. Ann & Marty threw a party for us last night. It was so great to see all of our friends but it's been really hard to say goodbye. We took Mom out to dinner today, I cried when we dropped her off at her apartment. I cried when I said goodbye to my dear friend Ann. And this morning I cried when I said goodbye to my good friend Janis.

But starting tomorrow, we are starting a new chapter. We will be laying the ground work for the rest of our lives. Once I get to Trinidad, I'll check on the construction loan and will probably get the permits for the house. Once the permits are in place, we can finally get an address. If anyone reads this, please pray that the construction loan goes through without any hitches.

I'll try to write more tomorrow night... hopefully from Flagstaff.