Saturday, May 22, 2010

Antique Doors

A couple of days ago, someone I met mentioned that the county is having an auction on Saturday... today. I think I'd like to go see what's up. After living for so long in Southern California, I'd really like to see what a small town Colorado auction was like.

There were some really neat things there. Impounds from the sheriff's department; desks, chairs and tables from the courthouse; but the coolest thing of all were the doors. The county courthouse, built around 1912, is a grand building that houses many of the county government offices. The floors are made of marble. And after nearly 125 years of use, you can feel the wear on the steps as you ascend to the second floor. It makes you wonder how many feet have walked these floors and whose hands have touched the brass railing?

But back to the doors... there were about 30 doors that had been removed at one time or another from the courthouse. These were beautiful doors. Real wood, heavy, antique doors.

We got to the fairgrounds in time to see most of the desks already gone. Then came the chairs, the judge's table, the restraint chair (yikes!) and the filing cabinets. Then we were on to the doors.

The auctioneer was as authentic as they come. He was fun to listen to. I won first choice with my bid of $20 per door. I chose 4 doors for a total cost of $80. Then someone else bid on 2nd choice. I won the bid on another 2 doors for another $20. I walked out of there with 6 antique, historic, solid wooden doors for $100! They will need some elbow grease, but they will look lovely in our new strawbale home.

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