Monday, May 31, 2010

Keeping it Simple

One of my favorite sayings is, "Keep it simple." (That goes along with, "It is what it is.") Anyway, keeping it simple may have worked out for us today. I had to run up to Pueblo to pick up a mattress & box spring set I bought on Saturday. I thought this would be a good time with all of the Memorial Day sales this weekend. So, after my good friend Joelle & I emptied my little trailer out into the duplex, I drove the 80 mile trek up to Pueblo. That's the closest "big" town around here.

After the guys at the mattress store loaded up my new bed, I decided to go check out Lowe's. This is where the "keeping it simple" comes in. I sat down with 2 great people. One in the kitchen cabinet department and one in the window & door department. I had our house plans with me and they both took the measurements for their part of the house. After about an hour, I had a custom kitchen designed with hickory cabinetry and a gorgeous granite top including installation. I couldn't believe how inexpensive it was. I was expecting a bid easily twice that.

The window lady said she'd fax me the window & door bid tomorrow. We'll see what kind of pricing she comes up with. One piece of advice she gave me that I thought was good was, "Always stay with the same person for the particular part of the home you're working on." Of course, one caveat would be if that person was a complete flake, but other than that, it makes sense not to mix & match.

Going into this, I had thought of buying windows from Craigslist or something like that, but windows are just too important. Here we're going to have this gorgeous R60 house and have cheap windows?? Doesn't make sense. I know we're trying to do this on the cheap and everything, but we also have to be smart where we can.

So in keeping it simple, I went straight to the big box store instead of calling every Tom, Dick & Harry for a bid. And whatever price they give me for the windows... it is what it is.

That being said, tonight the stars are a wonder to behold. I saw a falling star the other night. A big, bright falling star. You can see so many stars it's like they're melding together. I think I understand why the Milky Way Galaxy was so named. I can watch the stars forever. I can't wait for my wonderful hubby to be here to watch the stars with me.

Schultz and I went on a longer walk today. Since his diagnosis I've been letting him lead me wherever and how far he wanted to go because I don't want to push him. I will just be his companion. But today he felt pretty good this morning so we walked quite a ways. The pain pills and the steroids seem to really be helping him. However this evening, I did see some wobbling in his back legs. My sweet boy. He's sleeping peacefully next to my bed.

Tomorrow's a big day. I'll be getting settled for sure into 444. It's a cute little place. Now, hopefully my mattress will fit!

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